Victor Frankenstein
Travis Thoms
Travis strives to create economical, story-driven content that appeals to a wide market audience. With Prolonged Exposure in international distribution,, Victor Frankenstein will be Travis’ second venture into a marketable feature-length production. He has approached veteran co-producers and crew to assure success in this endeavor.
Joel Paul Reisig
Joel’s philosophy on filmmaking is what separates him from the pack. He believes that the old Hollywood paradigm of making movies is broken. The amount of waste in typical movies, of both time and money, is staggering. To Joel going either off budget or off schedule is absolutely unacceptable. He believes with absolute conviction that he can produce high quality products at a lower price than 99% of other producers, converting the difference into a stronger return on investment. Joel’s goal is always to create beautiful art, but he understands that the film business is first and foremost a business.
Joel has been a producer on 20+ feature films, has contacts in the industry, and regularly teaches business of the business.
Your Participation makes things happen
Let’s face it – movies aren’t made by a couple of people. They are the creation of the writer, financiers, cast, crew and, just as important, the viewer.